What is orthodontics?
Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that identifies and treats malocclusions, that is, defects in jaw bone development and related diseases. It fixes dental crowding, creating the proper space for each tooth. Correction of malocclusions prevents breathing problems, snoring, swallowing and phonation alterations. Corrects posture and prevents scoliosis, headaches (headaches) and cervical problems.

Treats tooth malocclusions and related problems.
Prevents scoliosis, headaches, neck pain.
Types of equipment
Mobile, fixed, extraoral traction, invisible.
Why bring the device
To solve functional problems.
To resolve blemishes.
To improve the fit of fixed prostheses.
How to recognize dental malocclusion
Malocclusions are visible right from the start: protruding, overcrossed teeth, diastemas, i.e., separated from each other, open and deep bite, asymmetries of the face and mouth. They negatively affect the aesthetics of the smile, lip profile and face.
What problems braces solve
The use of braces on teeth solves functional and aesthetic problems related to malocclusions.
It is also used in preparation for the insertion of fixed prostheses aimed at improving occlusion and aesthetics.

When to start orthodontic treatment in adulthood
There is no cut-off age for orthodontic treatment.

The stages of the pathway
The orthodontic examination
The orthodontist assesses and verifies the presence of malocclusions by performing several diagnostic tests:
clinical examination;
panoramic radiography and teleradiography to look at the teeth, jaw and soft tissues to get a complete picture of the skull and neck;
photographs of the smile, inside of the mouth and face.
Data collection is used to get clear measurements of the space available, whether bone structures are in harmony, and whether aesthetics can be improved.

The treatment
The most suitable appliance for the intended treatment plan is applied:
mobile appliance: according to the plan it is to be used at certain times;
fixed appliance: with or without attachments, it is placed and checked regularly;
extraoral traction appliance: it is an additional support outside the mouth to increase the effect of the fixed appliance;
invisible braces: series of customized transparent templates.

Mechanical phase of orthodontic treatment
Applying braces is the active phase of the orthodontic process. Teeth are moved and set into the correct position. The bite, or occlusion, is also corrected. The benefits are felt already at this stage.

The therapeutic discussion
After the orthodontic examination, options, treatment plan and choice of the most appropriate device to be used to achieve the expected results are discussed.

The Periodic Check-Up
Periodic checkups allow progress to be assessed, elastics and wires to be replaced if damaged, and any problems to be corrected in a timely and effective manner.

End of treatment and restraint
When the result is achieved, braces are removed.
During life, teeth, like other parts of the body, change. If one wants to keep the results obtained constant over time, braces can be fitted or used, to be worn as and when needed. With the new shape of the mouth, it may be necessary to intervene on the shape of the tooth to improve aesthetics even more with the application of veneers or Smile Design surgeries.

Clinical cases
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28 ott 2021
Nicole A.
Ci tornerò sicuramente!
Ambiente accogliente, pulito e team professionale, specializzato e preparato. La tecnologia del laser, che non conoscevo, è una cosa pazzesca: mi è stata curata la carie ed io non ho sentito nulla. Prezzo giusto per il servizio. Ci tornerò sicuramente!
16 nov 2021
Carolina B.
Bravi, professionali e con una buona dose di umanità
Bravi, professionali e con una buona dose di umanità ed empatia nel confronto del paziente che lo fa sentire a proprio agio.
Io ero terrorizzata del dentista e mi sono lasciata andare senza curare più i miei denti .
Fin dalla prima visita presso questo centro, il dr. Andriolo mi ha tranquillizzata e messa a mio agio .
E infatti fin dalle prime prestazioni non ho sentito dolore, ne durante ne una volta tornata a casa
Oggi x esempio, ho fatto una cura canalare e un'estrazione di un molare, sono entrata in studio alle 10 00 e uscita alle 13.30. tranquilla e serena come se non fosse successo niente. Siete meravigliosi... grazie 🙏💖🙏
3 mag 2022
Maurizia L.
Andriolo sempre una garanzia
Da anni mi affido ad Andriolo per la cura dei denti di tutta la mia famiglia... professionali, disponibili, prezzi giusti... non li cambierei mai!