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All Dental, Clinical and Diagnostic Specialties within the Clinic. CENTRO ANDRIOLO has a staff of specialists for every branch of dentistry.
Oral hygiene and prevention
How can you clean your teeth properly and have a healthy mouth and gums?
Gingivitis and periodontitis
Swollen and bleeding gums? Moving teeth? Bad breath? Do you know about periodontal therapy?
Aesthetic dental veneers
What are the advantages of dental veneers? And what are the contraindications?
Invisible dental appliance
Do you want to align your teeth? Have you ever heard of invisible braces for adults and teenagers?
Bone regeneration
What to do when there is a lack of bone for implantation? How does regeneration work? Does it hurt?
Snoring and sleep apnea
Does your partner or family members complain because you snore at night and can't sleep?
Safe removal of amalgam
Amalgams are dangerous to our health. Find out how to safely remove them
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