Le Tecnologie
3D Cone Beam CT (CBCT)
What is CT scan
It is a diagnostic radiographic examination used to investigate the situation of the entire odonto-stomatognathic system, i.e., teeth, bones, and cranial structure as a whole, in 3D.
Cone Beam works through specific software that ensures accurate processing with low radiation.
What is the use
CBCT CT scan is a diagnostic radiographic examination that allows a three-dimensional investigation of what has already emerged with traditional radiographs, allowing a full-field view in different positions.
Through CT CBCT it is possible to highlight possible suspicions, e.g. presence of granulomas, take precise measurements before implant surgery, check all anatomical structures to which special attention should be paid before oral surgery.
The digital sensor collects information using up to 90 percent less radiation, compared to traditional, and the exposure can be calibrated according to diagnostic needs.
The information collected is then processed and rendered in digital format.
It is a noninvasive, painless examination that is performed directly in the office.
During the examination, it is necessary to remove objects that may interfere with the examination:
all jewelry;
mobile dental prostheses.
Quando si usa
In all cases where a thorough diagnostic examination is needed.
Oral surgery
Who can have a CT scan
It is suitable for adults.
It is used with children, only in special cases in which further study is deemed necessary.
Is it dangerous?
With 3D Come Beam CT you receive a 90% reduced dose of radiation compared to traditional CT.
Allows a clear picture of the situation, checking all anatomical structures.
Ensures that the most appropriate treatment is chosen for the problem encountered.