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Professional teeth cleaning

Many people fear cleaning their teeth. Between the various tools, the odd noises and the occasional jaw discomfort, it's easy to understand their apprehension. But for the most part, teeth cleaning is simple and painless.

Professional teeth cleaning

How does tooth cleaning or scaling work?

1. Visit of the oral cavity

Teeth cleaning is done by a dental hygienist. Before starting with teeth cleaning, an examination of the entire mouth is done.

The dental hygienist uses a small mirror to check around the teeth and gums for signs of gingivitis (inflamed gums) or other potential problems.

2. Plaque and tartar removal or ablation

With the help of a small mirror, the dental hygienist performs the ablation, i.e. the elimination of plaque and tartar around the gumline and between the teeth.

The elimination of tartar can prevent any pathologies such as periodontal diseases and bad breath.

Brushing and flossing prevents plaque from building up and hardening into tartar. Once tartar is formed, it can only be removed through professional oral hygiene.

3. Polishing of the teeth

After the tartar is completely removed, the hygienist cleans the teeth with a high-powered tool called “air flow”, where a combination of air, water and glycine powder is used. This is a great way to get a deep clean.

In professional cleaning, a toothpaste is used that seems to have a grainy texture useful for gently rubbing the teeth, polishing them and removing any stains. Performed by a professional, this teeth polishing is considered safe to do twice a year.

If gum pockets have formed, the doctor may decide to integrate a laser therapy session into the normal dental cleaning session. The laser is able to enter the subgingival areas and remove those bacteria that manual instruments cannot.

4. Professional use of dental floss

The dental hygienist will use dental floss, going deep between the teeth, to identify potential problem areas where the gums could bleed.

5. Application of fluoride treatment (fluoroprophylaxis)

The last optional step of the teeth cleaning process is the fluoride treatment. This treatment is used to protect the teeth from the attacks of acid bacteria by making the enamel stronger against the onset of caries.

Other potential steps

Professional teeth cleanings are scheduled twice a year, while x-rays are normally done once a year. However, depending on what your doctor finds during your follow-up visit, they may recommend other tests. For children, the dentist may recommend molar sealants to help prevent tooth decay in hard-to-brush areas.

Whether you need additional steps or not, the key is to keep planning professional oral care sessions to prevent any problems in the bud.

What is the benefit of professional teeth cleaning?

Having eliminated plaque and tartar, with professional oral hygiene, it allows you to:

  • have healthy, non-bleeding gums

  • prevent the onset of periodontal disease, pyorrhea and gum recessions

  • prevent the onset of tooth decay

  • have better aesthetics

  • avoid bad breath

The goal of Centro Andriolo is to help patients maintain a beautiful, natural and above all healthy smile, with professional oral hygiene sessions.

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